Left Sided Flex Canvas ScrollBar

Left Sided Flex Canvas ScrollBar

I was just working on a project where I needed to reposition the vertical scrollbar of a canvas from the right side to the left side.   Here’s a quick hack:

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"  styleName="canvasPage" x="350" y="0" width="650" height="100%" >
		public override function validateDisplayList( ):void{
			super.validateDisplayList( );
			if( verticalScrollBar && verticalScrollBar.visible ){
				verticalScrollBar.x = 0;

Alternatively, you could set verticalScrollBar.x = -verticalScrollBar.width; to move the scrollBar outside the left edge of the canvas but keep in mind that if you set the canvas position to x=0 in the application, the verticalScrollBar will be drawn outside the viewable area.